Thriving Business
Business Insights to Help You Grow Your Business with Ease
We’re two seasoned business owners — Sam Morris and Kate De Jong — sharing our nearly thirty-year combined experience of starting and growing service-based businesses from the ground up. We so many small businesses struggling or falling prey to expensive promises of quick fixes or silver bullets. Both of us know what it REALLY takes to start and grow a business, we've done it many times over and we've got the blisters to prove it! We’ve joined forces to share our knowledge and experience so you can find the easiest path to success, doing it your way, and most importantly — staying true to yourself.
Thriving Business
How to Create Revenue Quickly with an Irresistible Offer
In this episode, Kate and Sam get into detail about the specific characteristics of an 'Irresistible Offer'. A single irresistible offer can significantly increase your sales and revenue by increasing the conversion of your prospects into paying customers. An irresistible offer is a strategic structuring of your products and/or services where the value-to-cost ratio is value-heavy, making it an easy “yes” for those who need it. It feels like a ‘no-brainer’ and your prospect feels compelled to buy now.
However, there is an art to creating an irresistible offer and at least eight specific characteristics that Kate and Sam talk through in this episode, using Kate's upcoming offer called The Profit Accelerator as a case study.
Key Highlights:
- What exactly is an irresistible offer?
- The 8 specific characteristics of a compelling offer.
- How offers are different to service descriptions.
- How irresistible offers fit into your overall marketing strategy.
- How you can use offers to boost your revenue and sales quickly.
And so much more!
Connect with the Hosts:
Kate De Jong, PhD | Inspired Business
Website: https://katedejong.com/
Instagram: katedejong.inspiredbusiness
Email: kate@katedejong.com
Sam Morris | The Business Implementor
Website: https://thebusinessimplementor.com/
Instagram: sammorris.businesscoach